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CEO Makes $6 Million Thank You Ad To Air During Super Bowl For Vets Who Saved His Dog

CEO Makes $6 Million Thank You Ad To Air During Super Bowl For Vets Who Saved His Dog

Scout, who's now maybe the most expensive golden retriever alive, will star in the 30-second ad titled 'Lucky Dog.'
Tennessee Man Lights Up Joint While In Court For Marijuana Possession

Tennessee Man Lights Up Joint While In Court For Marijuana Possession

The stunt backfired when the young defendant was sentenced to 10 days in jail for contempt of court.
Earth’s Oldest-Known Meteor Crash Site Discovered In The Australian Outback

Earth’s Oldest-Known Meteor Crash Site Discovered In The Australian Outback

Researchers estimate that an ancient meteor crashed into Earth about 2.2 billion years ago, causing the Yarrabubba crater to form — and possibly ending a global ice age.
200 Billion Locusts Invade Kenya In The Worst Infestation In 70 Years

200 Billion Locusts Invade Kenya In The Worst Infestation In 70 Years

These unbeliveable photographs capture the horrifying locust invasion that is sweeping Kenya and other parts of East Africa.
33 Iconic James Dean Pictures That Show The Man Behind The ‘Rebel’

33 Iconic James Dean Pictures That Show The Man Behind The ‘Rebel’

James Dean was just 24 when he died in a car crash back in 1955, but his legacy lives on forever. These iconic photos are all the proof you need.
How An Ex-Cop Rigged The McDonald’s Monopoly Game — And Scammed The Company Out Of $24 Million

How An Ex-Cop Rigged The McDonald’s Monopoly Game — And Scammed The Company Out Of $24 Million

How Jerome Jacobson and his band of psychics, drug dealers, and strip-club owners perpetrated the daring McMillions scam over the course of 12 wild years.
The Mount Vesuvius Eruption Was So Hot That It Turned One Man’s Brain To ‘Glass’

The Mount Vesuvius Eruption Was So Hot That It Turned One Man’s Brain To ‘Glass’

When the volcano erupted in 79 A.D., it baked hundreds of people to death — and transformed at least one victim's brain matter into hard, twisted, glassy bits.
Four New Species Of ‘Walking Sharks’ Discovered Between Indonesia And Australia

Four New Species Of ‘Walking Sharks’ Discovered Between Indonesia And Australia

These species split off from the shark family tree nine million years ago, making them the most recent evolutionary adaptation to occur among sharks.
This Ancient Egyptian Map To The Underworld Is The Oldest Illustrated Book Ever Found

This Ancient Egyptian Map To The Underworld Is The Oldest Illustrated Book Ever Found

The book contained incantations for the deceased so that she could ward off evil spirits and demons in her journey toward the underworld.
Kansas Man Requested A GOT-Style ‘Trial By Combat’ Against His Ex-Wife To Settle Their Custody Dispute

Kansas Man Requested A GOT-Style ‘Trial By Combat’ Against His Ex-Wife To Settle Their Custody Dispute

The 40-year-old father claims he made the request merely to match the absurdity he belives he's endured from his ex's attorney throughout the divorce.
Did Pope Benedict XVI And Pope Francis Really Have Those Heart-To-Hearts From <em src=

Did Pope Benedict XVI And Pope Francis Really Have Those Heart-To-Hearts From The Two Popes?

With great tension between these two Catholic leaders, the true story behind The Two Popes certainly didn't involve the pizza-eating, soccer-watching hangouts that the Netflix movie depicts.