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Depression-Era Bank Robber John Dillinger Will Rise From His Grave — For A History Channel Documentary

Depression-Era Bank Robber John Dillinger Will Rise From His Grave — For A History Channel Documentary

“The only good thing about it is it keeps Dillinger’s name in the news.”
The Forgotten Explosion Of The Sultana, The Worst Maritime Disaster In American History

The Forgotten Explosion Of The Sultana, The Worst Maritime Disaster In American History

The 'Sultana' was carrying some 2,000 freed Union soldiers from Confederate prisons when three of its four boilers blew, sending the ship into flame and chaos.
Japanese Government To Create Human-Rodent Hybrids For Organ Harvesting

Japanese Government To Create Human-Rodent Hybrids For Organ Harvesting

Scientists involved in the study will inject human cells into rat and mice embryos. Researchers plan to follow the development of the resulting creatures' organs over the course of two years after the baby hybrids are born.
Meet Ada Lovelace, One Of The World’s First Computer Programmers

Meet Ada Lovelace, One Of The World’s First Computer Programmers

In the mid-1800s, Ada Lovelace saw the full potential of computers more than a century before they were a reality.
Warrior Woman Found Buried Alongside Her Axe In 1,000-Year-Old Viking Cemetery

Warrior Woman Found Buried Alongside Her Axe In 1,000-Year-Old Viking Cemetery

"Though some Viking women buried with weapons are known, a female warrior of this importance has never been determined and Viking scholars have been reluctant to acknowledge the agency of women with weapons."
44 Evocative Images Of The Prague Spring, When Czechoslovakia Tried To Escape Soviet Rule

44 Evocative Images Of The Prague Spring, When Czechoslovakia Tried To Escape Soviet Rule

For roughly seven months in what's known as the Prague Spring, Czechoslovakia exercised a more lax form of communism, provoking the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact to invade in August 1968.
‘Something Out Of A Horror Movie’: Rescuers Find Dozens Of Dead Birds Bleeding Out Of Their Eyes

‘Something Out Of A Horror Movie’: Rescuers Find Dozens Of Dead Birds Bleeding Out Of Their Eyes

A toxicology report has not yet been released on the deceased birds, but veterinarian professionals suspect poisoning of some kind.
Birds Mating On Power Line Zapped By 700,000 Volts Of Electricity Causing 1,000 Aussie Homes To Go Dark

Birds Mating On Power Line Zapped By 700,000 Volts Of Electricity Causing 1,000 Aussie Homes To Go Dark

"It seems to be a case of a couple of lovebirds who have made the wrong connection, unfortunately," a rep for the power company said.
Inside The Uncontacted Awá-Guajá Tribe, Earth’s Most Threatened Indigenous Group

Inside The Uncontacted Awá-Guajá Tribe, Earth’s Most Threatened Indigenous Group

Only 100 or so members of the Awá-Guajá tribe remain within the deepest reaches of the Amazon today.
872 Days In Hell: 38 Chilling Photos Of The Siege Of Leningrad

872 Days In Hell: 38 Chilling Photos Of The Siege Of Leningrad

2.5 million residents were reduced to just under 800,000 from starvation, disease, and exposure during the siege of Leningrad.
Buckets Of Heads And Limbs Discovered During FBI Raid On Arizona  Body Donation Center

Buckets Of Heads And Limbs Discovered During FBI Raid On Arizona Body Donation Center

The Arizona organization claimed to be a respectable donor for the body parts of loved ones. In reality, it was an illegal body broker selling parts overseas.