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Man ‘Pranks’ His Girlfriend By Selling Her On Ebay — And The Bids Reached $119,000

Man ‘Pranks’ His Girlfriend By Selling Her On Ebay — And The Bids Reached $119,000

The couple was shocked to see their innocent prank quickly become a high-priced, international bidding war.
Greece Officially Bans Overweight Tourists From Riding Their Donkeys

Greece Officially Bans Overweight Tourists From Riding Their Donkeys

The ruling comes after animal rights groups garnered media attention surrounding the poor treatment of the donkeys, which included carrying burdensome loads.
Texas Billionaire Who Killed Endangered Rhino Will Be Allowed To Import His Trophy Home

Texas Billionaire Who Killed Endangered Rhino Will Be Allowed To Import His Trophy Home

81-year-old Lacy Harber paid $275,000 for the right to kill this aging black rhino.
Mexican Couple Found Pushing Severed Human Parts In A Baby Stroller Could Have Killed Up To 20 Women

Mexican Couple Found Pushing Severed Human Parts In A Baby Stroller Could Have Killed Up To 20 Women

“He seemed happy about what he had done," said a top Mexican prosecutor after hearing the man's confession.
This California Whole Foods Filed A Restraining Order Against A Vegan Group

This California Whole Foods Filed A Restraining Order Against A Vegan Group

"DxE members have repeatedly entered our stores and property to conduct demonstrations that disrupt customers and team members by blocking access to our aisles, departments and cash registers."
Newly Declassified Documents Reveal That A Top U.S. General Planned For Nuclear Attack During The Vietnam War

Newly Declassified Documents Reveal That A Top U.S. General Planned For Nuclear Attack During The Vietnam War

General Westmoreland wanted nuclear weapons sent to South Vietnam in the event of a defeat at the war's bloodiest battle, though President Johnson swiftly axed the operation.
Banksy Painting Self-Destructs Immediately After Being Sold For $1.4 Million

Banksy Painting Self-Destructs Immediately After Being Sold For $1.4 Million

Sotheby's auction house in London says that this is "the first time in auction history that a work of art automatically shredded itself."
New York City Teacher Beats Up Student Who Owed Him $4,000 Worth Of Weed

New York City Teacher Beats Up Student Who Owed Him $4,000 Worth Of Weed

48-year-old Kevin Pope was charged with assault after he beat, threatened, and robbed the 16-year-old student.
French Police Capture Infamous Gangster After Spectacular Helicopter Prison Break

French Police Capture Infamous Gangster After Spectacular Helicopter Prison Break

He used Hollywood gangster films to inspire his robberies — and subsequent prison breaks.
Scientists Connected Three Brains Together And They Successfully Shared Their Thoughts

Scientists Connected Three Brains Together And They Successfully Shared Their Thoughts

The participants were able to complete a cooperative game of Tetris using only their thoughts as a means of communication.
Russian Student Activist Is Pouring Bleach On “Manspreaders” Riding Public Transit

Russian Student Activist Is Pouring Bleach On “Manspreaders” Riding Public Transit

Self-proclaimed activist Anna Dovgalyuk is pouring bleach on unsuspecting men in an effort to combat unchecked "gender aggression."