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10 Uncovered World War One Photos Provide A Rare, Candid Glimpse Into Trench Life

10 Uncovered World War One Photos Provide A Rare, Candid Glimpse Into Trench Life

The man behind these uncovered World War One photos broke the law when he took them, but has given future generations a gift.
Microscopic Nature: Winners Of The 2014 Olympus Bioscapes Competition

Microscopic Nature: Winners Of The 2014 Olympus Bioscapes Competition

Every year, Olympus Bioscapes holds a microscopic photography competition to reveal the immense beauty of the seemingly minute. Here are this year's winners.
17 Fantastic Optical Illusions And How They Work

17 Fantastic Optical Illusions And How They Work

Your eyes may be able to detect light, but your brain is what does the actual “seeing”. As these optical illusions reveal, it's a bit slow.
Alaska’s Beauty Captured From A Kayak

Alaska’s Beauty Captured From A Kayak

Nature photographer Daniel Fox has a mission: to bring a connection with the great outdoors and the beauty of Alaska to the masses.
13 Interesting Animals You Didn’t Know Existed

13 Interesting Animals You Didn’t Know Existed

From the fanged deer of China to the canine that's so pungent it's known as the 'stink wolf', these are some of the interesting animals on Earth.
Seances: When Manipulating The Desperate Was Big Business

Seances: When Manipulating The Desperate Was Big Business

The history of the seance is one of seeing the sad and vulnerable as an easy business opportunity, adding gauze and then calling it a party.
20 Alarming Photos Of The Disappearing Amazon Rainforest

20 Alarming Photos Of The Disappearing Amazon Rainforest

One of the world's largest carbon sinks and biodiversity storehouses, the deforestation of the Amazon should be something that worries us all.
10 Writing Studios Which Prove That Place Does Inspire

10 Writing Studios Which Prove That Place Does Inspire

Beyond persistence and imagination, a writer needs a physical place of inspiration to succeed. Here are 10 writing studios that do just that.
Max Zorn Crafts Brilliant Scenes From Packing Tape

Max Zorn Crafts Brilliant Scenes From Packing Tape

Most street artists accept that when night falls, their artwork will be obscured by darkness. But most street artists aren't Max Zorn.
Beautifully Designed Video Game Environments

Beautifully Designed Video Game Environments

These video game environments prove that entertainment isn't the only thing to get from console play: you also discover fantastic art.
Breaking Barriers: 10 Of The Greatest Female Athletes

Breaking Barriers: 10 Of The Greatest Female Athletes

As women to close the gap between gender-based achievements, we look back on history's greatest female athletes.