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The Wild Life Of Sword-Wielding Renaissance Noblewoman Caterina Sforza

The Wild Life Of Sword-Wielding Renaissance Noblewoman Caterina Sforza

In 15th-century Italy, the cunning Caterina Sforza ruthlessly defended her family's fortunes at any cost — and was even accused of plotting to assassinate the pope.
The Astonishing Story Of Frances Slocum, The Kidnapped Quaker Girl Who Became A Member Of The Miami People

The Astonishing Story Of Frances Slocum, The Kidnapped Quaker Girl Who Became A Member Of The Miami People

In 1778, Frances Slocum was abducted by the Delaware tribe in Pennsylvania. She later married into the Miami tribe — and decided to never return home.
Meet Marina Oswald Porter, The Secretive Wife Of Lee Harvey Oswald

Meet Marina Oswald Porter, The Secretive Wife Of Lee Harvey Oswald

Although Marina Oswald Porter testified against Lee Harvey Oswald after the assassination of John F. Kennedy in 1963, she later asserted that her husband was an innocent scapegoat.
The Gruesome Reason Why Chainsaws Were Invented

The Gruesome Reason Why Chainsaws Were Invented

The chainsaw was invented to more safely perform a brutal surgery known as a symphysiotomy on laboring women, during which the birth canal was widened with a hand-cranked, rotating blade.
The Tragic Story Of Mildred Harnack, The American Teacher Beheaded By The Nazis During World War II

The Tragic Story Of Mildred Harnack, The American Teacher Beheaded By The Nazis During World War II

Mildred Harnack moved to Berlin with her German-born husband in 1929 and joined a Nazi resistance group — and was later sentenced to death by Adolf Hitler himself.
‘I Shall Eat You Up’: Inside The Terrifying Legend Of The Cannibalistic Baba Yaga

‘I Shall Eat You Up’: Inside The Terrifying Legend Of The Cannibalistic Baba Yaga

A fearsome witch of Slavic folklore, Baba Yaga is said to kidnap, roast, and eat children in the woods of Eastern Europe.
How Margaret Hamilton Helped Land NASA On The Moon

How Margaret Hamilton Helped Land NASA On The Moon

In 1969, NASA relied on software engineer Margaret Hamilton to safely land the Apollo 11 astronauts on the lunar surface — and to bring them back home.
Inside Poveglia Island’s History Of Death And Madness

Inside Poveglia Island’s History Of Death And Madness

Venice's Poveglia Island was a quarantine center and mass grave for victims of bubonic plague, earning it the nickname the "Island of Ghosts."
The Shocking Story Of Sara Jane Moore, The Woman Who Tried To Assassinate President Gerald Ford

The Shocking Story Of Sara Jane Moore, The Woman Who Tried To Assassinate President Gerald Ford

On September 22, 1975, Sara Jane Moore became the second woman to try to kill Gerald Ford in the span of just 17 days — and she very nearly succeeded.
The Story Of Ronald Speirs, The Tough-As-Nails Paratrooper From The Real-Life ‘Band Of Brothers’

The Story Of Ronald Speirs, The Tough-As-Nails Paratrooper From The Real-Life ‘Band Of Brothers’

Lieutenant Ronald Speirs earned a reputation for both bravery and brutality while fighting in Europe with the now-legendary Easy Company during World War II.
How 9/11 Hero Mark Bingham Helped Lead A Passenger Revolt On Flight 93 — And Became An LGBTQ Icon

How 9/11 Hero Mark Bingham Helped Lead A Passenger Revolt On Flight 93 — And Became An LGBTQ Icon

Moments before his death on September 11th, Mark Bingham bravely fought back against the terrorists who had hijacked his plane. His heroism later inspired many to reconsider gay stereotypes.