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Hundreds Of Colorful, Stone-Cut Tombs Dating Back To The Roman Era Discovered In Turkey

Hundreds Of Colorful, Stone-Cut Tombs Dating Back To The Roman Era Discovered In Turkey

Excavations in the ancient Roman city of Blaundos revealed 400 chamber tombs that had been cut into the side of a nearby canyon about 1,800 years ago.
How Dolores Huerta Battled Racism And Sexism To Become A Latina Civil Rights Icon

How Dolores Huerta Battled Racism And Sexism To Become A Latina Civil Rights Icon

Ever since the 1950s, Dolores Huerta has fought tirelessly to improve the lives of immigrants, women, and the working poor — despite nearly being killed in the process.
How Claudette Colvin Became The Unsung Hero Of The Civil Rights Movement

How Claudette Colvin Became The Unsung Hero Of The Civil Rights Movement

In 1955, Claudette Colvin was arrested for refusing to give up her bus seat to a white woman in Alabama — nine months before Rosa Parks.
How The Beast Of Gévaudan Turned The Idyllic French Countryside Into A Place Of Unprecedented Slaughter

How The Beast Of Gévaudan Turned The Idyllic French Countryside Into A Place Of Unprecedented Slaughter

In the 1760s, a wolf-like monster known as the Beast of Gévaudan reportedly killed hundreds of people in gruesome fashion — and to this day, no one knows exactly what it was.
Scientists Just Discovered That This Common Wildflower Is Actually Carnivorous

Scientists Just Discovered That This Common Wildflower Is Actually Carnivorous

A recent study found that Triantha occidentalis, known as the western false asphodel, gets its nutrients by eating the innards of small insects.
These English Garden Ornaments Of Sphinxes Just Turned Out To Be Genuine Ancient Egyptian Relics

These English Garden Ornaments Of Sphinxes Just Turned Out To Be Genuine Ancient Egyptian Relics

The pair of sphinxes was just determined to date back over 5,000 years and recently sold for more than $265,000 at auction after spending 15 years in an English garden.
55 American History Photos And The Incredible True Stories Behind Them

55 American History Photos And The Incredible True Stories Behind Them

From the Civil War to the Space Race, these powerful pictures from American history show the past as it really happened.
Archeologists Uncover Massive 1,500-Year-Old Wine Making Factory In Israel

Archeologists Uncover Massive 1,500-Year-Old Wine Making Factory In Israel

The sprawling site in Yavne, Israel, once produced half a million gallons of wine a year and exported it around the ancient world.
Inside The Brutal History Of Indigenous Residential Schools In Canada

Inside The Brutal History Of Indigenous Residential Schools In Canada

From 1883 to 1996, nearly 150,000 Indigenous children were forcibly taken away from their parents and sent to Canadian residential schools where they faced horrific abuse.
New Moth Species Discovered In Madagascar Has The Longest Tongue Of Any Insect

New Moth Species Discovered In Madagascar Has The Longest Tongue Of Any Insect

The moth, called "xanthopan praedicta," or "Wallace's sphinx moth," has a tongue that stretches nearly one foot long.
Inside The Haunting History Of Spirit Photography

Inside The Haunting History Of Spirit Photography

After the Civil War, opportunistic "spirit photographers" claimed to conjure the spirits of lost loved ones on camera — sparking an eerie trend in America and Victorian England.