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How Mexico’s Fearsome ‘New Generation’ Cartel Used eBay To Arm Themselves With Military Hardware

How Mexico’s Fearsome ‘New Generation’ Cartel Used eBay To Arm Themselves With Military Hardware

Investigators later found that brothers Carlos and Ismael Almada had bought night-vision goggles, grenade launchers, and more for the vicious cartel.
Inside Operation PBSuccess, When The CIA And A Banana Company Destroyed Guatemalan Democracy

Inside Operation PBSuccess, When The CIA And A Banana Company Destroyed Guatemalan Democracy

In 1954, Operation PBSuccess dismantled Guatemala’s newfound democracy — so that an American fruit company could continue to profit off the old government’s corruption.
Scientists Find A 20,000-Year-Old Link Between Brazil’s Indigenous People And Ancient Australians

Scientists Find A 20,000-Year-Old Link Between Brazil’s Indigenous People And Ancient Australians

Researchers guess the ancient people crossing the Bering Land Bridge from Asia brought the Australian DNA with them.
California Bears Are Getting A Little Too Friendly With People — And A Virus May Be To Blame

California Bears Are Getting A Little Too Friendly With People — And A Virus May Be To Blame

The affected bears don't respond to clapping or shooing — and in one case, a bear even climbed into someone's car.
Sharp-Eyed Archaeologist Unearths 5,000-Year-Old-Cemetery And Medieval Fortress In Poland

Sharp-Eyed Archaeologist Unearths 5,000-Year-Old-Cemetery And Medieval Fortress In Poland

The find could give archaeologists new insight into the customs of Europe's first farmers, the Funnel Beaker people.
Dangerous WWII-Era Stimulant Found In Modern Weight-Loss Drugs

Dangerous WWII-Era Stimulant Found In Modern Weight-Loss Drugs

Phenpromethamine was marketed in the 1940s and 1950s as a nasal inhaler, and there is little information on the risks of taking the drug orally.
Archaeologists Uncover 3,000-Year-Old Gold Mask In China Belonging To A Mysterious Ancient Society

Archaeologists Uncover 3,000-Year-Old Gold Mask In China Belonging To A Mysterious Ancient Society

Researchers hope that the mask, which was found alongside 500 other ancient artifacts, can answer questions about the enigmatic Shu civilization.
Walrus Takes A Nap On An Ice Floe — And Drifts Thousands Of Miles To Ireland

Walrus Takes A Nap On An Ice Floe — And Drifts Thousands Of Miles To Ireland

Walruses are an incredibly rare sight in Ireland, considering most of them live thousands of miles away in the Arctic Circle.
Last Surviving Man Of Amazonian Tribe Dies From COVID-19 — Likely Spread By Invading Loggers

Last Surviving Man Of Amazonian Tribe Dies From COVID-19 — Likely Spread By Invading Loggers

Aruká Juma became the last male member of his tribe in 1999, and he had long borne witness to the decimation of his people.
Scientists Want To Send 6.7 Million Sperm Samples To A Vault Inside The Moon — Just In Case

Scientists Want To Send 6.7 Million Sperm Samples To A Vault Inside The Moon — Just In Case

Much like Noah’s ark, researchers hope that the vault will keep Earth's many species safe in the event of a global catastrophe.
11-Year-Old Boy Stumbles Upon 2,500-Year-Old Fertility Amulet In Israel

11-Year-Old Boy Stumbles Upon 2,500-Year-Old Fertility Amulet In Israel

Zvi Ben-David was on a hike with his family near the Besor River when he suddenly noticed a strange object. When he picked it up, he realized that it was a ceramic figurine of a woman.