From the burning monk of Vietnam to the JFK assassination, these powerful images remain seared into the American consciousness today.
Each new decade in American history has brought substantial societal change. The Roaring Twenties, despite the years of Prohibition, was a great time of prosperity that yielded major advancements in technology, music, and equality for women. Of course, it was then succeeded by the Great Depression, which brought its own major changes to society.
The same could be said of any decade in American history, really, but few had quite the same impact as the 1960s. It was clear when future president John F. Kennedy remarked during his 1960 campaign that the United States was about to usher in the “New Frontier” that big things were on the horizon. Unfortunately for Kennedy, he wasn’t around to see most of it. After his assassination in 1963, the United States and the new president Lyndon B. Johnson became more heavily involved in the Vietnam War, simultaneously kickstarting widespread anti-war protests and calls for peace.
At the same time, Johnson’s plans for a “Great Society” saw the passage of the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act, as well as the start of Medicare and Medicaid programs to give people “a hand up, not a handout.”
There was, of course, still a substantial amount of civil unrest, and the countercultural revolution was one response to it, with hippies promoting “free love,” recreational drug use, and wild music festivals — all while strongly rejecting mainstream American culture and authority. Amidst this era came the British Invasion and, eventually, the conclusion to the Space Race, when the United States put mankind on the Moon.
Take a look back through the 1960s in our photo gallery below.
This now-iconic image of Marxist revolutionary Ernesto "Che" Guevara depicts him at the March 5, 1960 funeral for the victims of the La Coubre explosion. Guevara believed that the destruction of the French freighter in Havana harbor and the 75-100 resulting deaths were a deliberate act of sabotage on the part of the U.S. because of Cuba's new communist government following the revolution the year before.
Guevara helped carry out that revolution before attempting to foment similar uprisings elsewhere around the world, which helped make him an enemy of the U.S. Eventually, in 1967, C.I.A.-assisted Bolivian forces captured Guevara in Bolivia and executed him.Alberto Korda/Wikimedia Commons
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A dancer, decorated in fluorescent body paint and with feathers in her hair, attends an event at San Francisco's Avalon Ballroom. 1967.Ted Streshinsky/The LIFE Images Collection/Getty Images
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Martin Luther King Jr. speaks at a rally for the Chicago Freedom Movement at Soldier Field in Chicago, Illinois on July 10, 1966. The movement, the largest civil rights campaign in the North, sought fair housing, healthcare, and transportation for Black Americans.Afro American Newspapers/Gado/Getty Images
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On Feb. 1, 1968, South Vietnamese General Nguyễn Ngọc Loan executes Viet Cong Captain Nguyễn Văn Lém in Saigon. American photographer Eddie Adams' now-famous photo of the event helped the American people see exactly what their country was involved in, and thus helped turn the tide of public opinion against the Vietnam War.Eddie Adams/World Wide Photos via Wikimedia
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Vietnamese monk Thich Quang Duc immolates himself in protest of South Vietnamese President Ngo Dinh Diem's violent persecution of Buddhists. Saigon. June 11, 1963.Manhai/Filckr
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At 12:30 p.m. CST, on Nov. 22, 1963, the world was still moving. President John F. Kennedy's uncovered 1961 Lincoln Continental four-door convertible limousine had just entered Dealey Plaza in Dallas, Texas.
Nellie Connally, the First Lady of Texas, who was riding in the front seat of the president's car, turned around and said, "Mr. President, you can't say Dallas doesn't love you."
President Kennedy then spoke his last words: "No, you certainly can't."
Seconds later, the fatal shot was fired.Wikimedia Commons
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The Beatles arrive in America for the first time, landing at New York's newly christened John F. Kennedy International Airport on Feb. 7, 1964.Wikimedia Commons
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While the 1960s brought extraordinary progress for civil rights, the decade also brought violent setbacks.
On July 12, 1967, an act of police brutality against a Black American man in Newark, New Jersey sparked riots throughout the city that would last for six days and leave 26 dead and hundreds injured.-/AFP/Getty Images
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Hells Angels members fight with pool cues during the Altamont Free Concert, for which the club was hired as security, in California on Dec. 6, 1969. One concertgoer was beaten and stabbed to death by a Hells Angels member during the infamous event.John Springer Collection/CORBIS/Corbis via Getty Images
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The Merry Pranksters — the followers of author and LSD advocate Ken Kesey — travel across America in their specially painted bus known as Further.Ian Burt/Flickr
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A police officer restrains a demonstrator on the San Francisco State campus on Dec. 3, 1968 amid a violent protest calling for wider ethnic representation in both courses offered and faculty hired.Underwood Archives/Getty Images
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Two terrified Black American girls flee police officers during a race riot in the Bedford-Stuyvesant neighborhood of Brooklyn, itself sparked by rioting over police brutality in nearby Harlem, on July 21, 1964.Bettmann/Contributor/Getty Images
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Ecstatic fans give in to the music at the Isle of Wight festival. 1969. Central Press/Hulton Archive/Getty Images
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Firemen turn their hose on a group of Black Americans during an anti-segregation demonstration in Birmingham, Alabama on May 3, 1963.Bettmann/Contributor/Getty Images
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In late July 1964, police beat a man during the Harlem riots sparked by the questionable shooting of a 15-year-old Black American boy by a police officer. Dick DeMarsico/New York World Telegraph & Sun/Library of Congress/Wikimedia Commons
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Jimi Hendrix performs at California's Monterey International Pop Festival on June 18, 1967. This gathering of tens of thousands of hippies and likeminded music fans helped put the 1960s counterculture on the map.Michael Ochs Archives/Getty Images
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A young hippie sits cross-legged in a New York City park. 1969.Lambert/Getty Images
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Congress of Racial Equality trainees endure an "egg shampoo" exercise in preparation for remaining calm during nonviolent demonstrations. Location unspecified. August 11, 1963.Bettmann/Contributor/Getty Images
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A first-grade girl is escorted by U.S. Federal Marshals to a grade school that is being guarded by city police on the first day of school integration by order of the federal court. New Orleans, Louisiana. November 14, 1960.Underwood Archives/Getty Images
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On Oct. 30, 1961, the Soviet military successfully tested Tsar Bomba, the most powerful weapon ever detonated. Its blast was five miles in diameter with a yield of 50 megatons — 25 times more powerful than all the munitions used in World War II (including the two atomic bombs dropped by the U.S.) put together.Wikimedia Commons
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Rumors of an affair between President John F. Kennedy and Marilyn Monroe persist to this day. Perhaps fueling the rumors more than any other incident was Monroe's sultry rendition of "Happy Birthday" sung to Kennedy at Madison Square Garden on May 19, 1962.
Pictured: Kennedy (right), Monroe, and Kennedy's brother Robert backstage just after Monroe's performance. This is one of the few photos of Monroe and Kennedy together.Wikimedia Commons
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For 13 days in the fall of 1962, it seemed as if the world was going to end. Known as the Cuban Missile Crisis, this tense period saw Soviet forces attempt to move nuclear missiles to Cuba, just 90 miles from the coast of Florida. The U.S. responded by blockading Cuba with its own military forces. It was the closest the Cold War ever came to all-out nuclear annihilation.
Ultimately, cooler heads prevailed and both sides agreed to back their nuclear weapons farther away from the enemy's borders.
Pictured: A U.S. Navy aircraft flies above a Soviet freighter carrying two bomber planes in late 1962.Wikimedia Commons
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The following summer, President John F. Kennedy traveled to Berlin, Germany, the city that stood at the border of the communist and non-communist worlds, literally divided down the center by a wall.
In Berlin, Kennedy hoped to underline U.S. support for all people on the non-communist side of the world's great political divide, famously declaring "Ich bin ein Berliner" ("I am a citizen of Berlin"), which many incorrectly mistranslated as Kennedy proclaiming himself to be a jelly doughnut.AFP/Getty Images
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At home, millions of Americans hoped to overcome racial divides. By 1963, despite fierce opposition, the civil rights movement had begun gaining momentum. In August, activists like Martin Luther King Jr. led the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, which drew approximately 250,000 people to the nation's capital in an unprecedented show of support for the movement.Wikimedia Commons
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Martin Luther King Jr. gave his famous "I Have A Dream" speech during the march.AFP/Getty Images
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Joining activists and political leaders like King at the March on Washington were folk singers like Joan Baez and Bob Dylan.
Artists like these had come to represent the voice of both the younger generation and highlight the plight of nation's oppressed through verse — a trend that would only grow as the decade went on.Wikimedia Commons
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Jackie Kennedy (right), still wearing the suit stained with her murdered husband's blood, looks on as Lyndon B. Johnson takes the presidential oath aboard Air Force One in Dallas just two hours and eight minutes after the assassination.
The suit remains out of public view in the National Archives in Maryland, together with an unsigned note reading "Jackie's suit and bag worn Nov. 22, 1963" until at least 2103. Its precise location is kept a secret. It was never cleaned. Wikimedia Commons
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Jack Ruby fatally shoots alleged Kennedy assassin Lee Harvey Oswald as Dallas police escort the latter to a transport vehicle the day after Kennedy's death.
Ruby told several witnesses immediately after shooting Oswald that he was trying to help the city of Dallas "redeem" itself in the public's eye, and spare "...Mrs. Kennedy the discomfiture of coming back to trial."Wikimedia Commons
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On March 26, 1964, the decade's two most prominent civil rights leaders shared their only meeting.
As Martin Luther King Jr. (left) was leaving a news conference, Malcolm X (right) stepped out of the crowd, extended his hand, and smiled.
"Well, Malcolm, good to see you," King said.
"Good to see you," X replied.
The gaggle of photographers surrounding the men took photos to immortalize the historic moment that lasted all of about one minute.Wikimedia Commons
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As was the case with music and politics, fashion also took a bold leap forward in the 1960s.
The famous 1965 Mondrian Collection by French designer Yves Saint Laurent took an innovative approach to fashion by combining classical Western forms with the aesthetics of modernist fine art.
Today, some of these dresses themselves are displayed at museums around the world.AFP/Getty Images
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Sporting some of the decade's most distinctive fashions, flight attendants became emblematic of the era — and symbols of modern womanhood.SDASM Archives/Flickr
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Many saw flight attendants as evocative of a new "kind" of woman, one who traveled the globe and who was free from the gender-specific duties that had kept women at home in previous decades.Archives New Zealand
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A U.S. helicopter pilot runs from his aircraft after Vietnamese forces shoot it down in early 1965.
The U.S. had just begun bombing operations and troop deployment in Vietnam, for the first time escalating in earnest the conflict that would make the 1960s a truly bloody decade.AFP/Getty Images
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Muhammad Ali knocks out Sonny Liston after a one-minute-long championship match in Lewiston, Maine on May 25, 1965. Just seconds after the knockout, referee Joe Walcott, holds Ali back.
Ali's courage both in and out of the ring would come to define the decade. -/AFP/Getty Images
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Ed White floats just outside the Gemini 4 capsule hatch on June 3, 1965. This made White the first American to ever perform a spacewalk, which lasted 23 minutes.NASA via Getty Images
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On August 11, 1965, the Los Angeles Police Department pulled over a Black American man named Marquette Frye for drunk driving. His arrest soon evolved into a violent confrontation and many quickly accused the officers of police brutality. Six days of riots followed in the city's predominantly Black American Watts neighborhood.
To contain the riots, the LAPD needed nearly 4,000 members of the California Army National Guard. In total, the riots resulted in 34 deaths and $40 million in property damage.Wikimedia Commons
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More than any other two people, Martin Luther King Jr. and President Lyndon Johnson (meeting here in the White House on March 18, 1966) may have had the greatest impact on civil rights in the 1960s — the former as the movement's de facto leader and the latter as the one who pushed the landmark Civil Rights Act of 1964 into law.
While they differed in approach, the two held each other in high esteem. As King later wrote of Johnson: "His approach to the problem of civil rights was not identical with mine — nor had I expected it to be. Yet his careful practicality was, nonetheless, clearly no mask to conceal indifference. His emotional and intellectual involvement was genuine and devoid of adornment. It was conspicuous that he was searching for a solution to a problem he knew to be a major shortcoming in American life."Wikimedia Commons
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In 1967, a race riot in Detroit proved to be one of the most destructive of the decade.-/AFP/Getty Images
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The trouble started when police raided an unlicensed bar in a predominantly Black American neighborhood. The ensuing confrontations between patrons and police lit the powder keg of racial unrest that had long threatened the city. Five days of rioting followed.-/AFP/Getty Images
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Soon, President Johnson called in the 82nd and 101st Airborne Divisions to aid the overwhelmed police and quell the rioting. More than 8,000 National Guardsmen joined in as well. Many accused these men of using unnecessary force during the operation.Stringer/Getty Images
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When it was all said and done, the riots resulted in 43 deaths, hundreds of injuries, more than 7,000 arrests, and about $50 million worth of damage.Stringer/Getty Images
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The following year, on April 4, 1968, the civil rights movement took another devastating hit with the murder of Martin Luther King Jr., allegedly at the hands of James Earl Ray (pictured).
After a failed career as a pornographer in Mexico, Ray had returned to the U.S. — where he was wanted for escaping prison — to take dance and bartending lessons before purportedly setting in motion his plan to kill King.
Ultimately, Ray's crimes earned him 99 years in prison, where he died in 1998 at age 70.Wikimedia Commons
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On April 4, 1968, Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee. Pictured: Civil rights leader Andrew Young (left) and others standing on the balcony of Lorraine Motel point in the direction of the assassin just after the bullet struck King, who is lying at their feet.Joseph Louw/The LIFE Images Collection/Getty Images
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King's assassination once again brought racial tensions to a head in more than 100 cities across the country.
Washington, D.C. (pictured) saw the worst of it. Over the five days following King's death, rioters burned more than 1,000 buildings, causing about $27 million in damage and prompting President Johnson to call in 13,600 federal troops.Wikimedia Commons
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In early 1968, the violence intensified overseas as well, as fighting in Vietnam reached new heights with the communists' devastating Tet Offensive and the Americans' brutal My Lai Massacre.
Pictured: American soldiers burn a Viet Cong base in My Tho on April 5, 1968.NATIONAL ARCHIVES/AFP/Getty Images
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A female Viet Cong soldier fires an anti-tank missile during a fight in the southern Cuu Long delta during the Tet Offensive.
The surprise attack on nearly 100 targets in South Vietnam marked a turning point in favor of the communists.AFP/Getty Images
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American soldiers at the front lines during Operation Hue City in early 1968.NATIONAL ARCHIVES/AFP/Getty Images
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Viet Cong fighters take position in a lotus field as they prepare to ambush American troops stationed in South Vietnam.AFP/AFP/Getty Images
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American forces interrogate a Viet Cong prisoner near Thuong.Wikimedia Commons
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With images and reports of the brutality in Vietnam making it back to the U.S., many Americans turned against the war — and took to the streets to protest.
Pictured: Demonstrators rally outside the White House.AFP/AFP/Getty Images
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A female demonstrator offers a flower to military police on guard at the Pentagon during an anti-Vietnam demonstration.Wikimedia Commons
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Military police officers hold back protesters during their sit-in at the Mall Entrance to the Pentagon.Wikimedia Commons
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U.S. Marshals remove a protester from demonstrations at the Pentagon.Wikimedia Commons
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Mounted policemen watch over protesters in San Francisco.Wikimedia Commons
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Protests raged overseas as well, especially in Paris in May 1968 (pictured). These protests were driven by leftist students and striking workers who brought the country to a halt and to the brink of a socialist revolution. Ultimately, the government called for new legislative elections and the protests quieted down.-/AFP/Getty Images
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Elsewhere in Europe in 1968, liberal leadership in Czechoslovakia attempted to loosen overarching Soviet restrictions on human rights, including free speech and travel. Clashes between protesters and Soviet forces reached a fever pitch when the latter invaded on August 20th and countless demonstrators took to the streets to fight back.
In the end, Soviet forces withdrew and granted Czechoslovakia some freedoms, but the country nevertheless remained under Soviet control, with future leaders tightening back up the restrictions that had been briefly loosened in 1968.AFP/AFP/Getty Images
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Taken in April 1961, this photo shows a group of Cuban counter-revolutionaries after their capture in Cuba. The members of this group, Assault Brigade 2506, were part of a failed C.I.A.-sponsored invasion of Cuba known as the Bay of Pigs operation.MIGUEL VINAS/AFP/Getty Images
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Rear Admiral Alan Bartlett "Al" Shepard Jr. right before takeoff in May 1961.
Shepard became the first American, and the second person ever, to travel into space. He was also the first to manually control a spacecraft.Wikimedia Commons
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On June 5, 1968, Sirhan Sirhan assassinated Senator Robert Kennedy in Los Angeles. The killer, a Palestinian/Jordanian immigrant, is believed to have carried out his plot in response to Kennedy's support of Israel in the country's Six-Day War with Egypt, Jordan, and Syria the year before.
After the assassination of John F. Kennedy five years earlier, many took the killing of his brother as a sign that, by 1968, the U.S. had truly reached its breaking point.Wikimedia Commons
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American athletes Tommie Smith (center) and John Carlos (right) raise gloved fists during the American national anthem just after receiving their Olympic medals in Mexico City on Oct. 17, 1968. The gesture, widely interpreted as a Black Power salute, was meant to express their opposition to racism in the U.S.-/AFP/Getty Images
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The cast of the musical production Hair rehearse at the Porte Saint-Martin in Paris on April 22, 1969.
Soon after debuting in 1967, the revolutionary production — noted for its controversial use of rock music, its embrace of the sexual revolution, and portrayal of drug use — became a cultural touchstone of the era whose legacy lives on to this day.STRINGER/AFP/Getty Images
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Police clash with patrons following a raid on New York's Stonewall Inn, a bar well known for catering to the LGBTQ community, on June 28, 1969.
Decades of LGBTQ mistreatment helped fuel what transpired at Stonewall. Soon after the riots, activist groups formed in New York and around the country, and today the event is widely recognized as the start of the LGBTQ rights movement in the U.S.Wikimedia Commons
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On July 20, 1969, following the Space Race that had pitted the world's superpowers against each other for more than a decade, the U.S. became the first and only country to put a person on the moon.
Astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edward "Buzz" Aldrin (pictured) walked the surface of the moon for two minutes and 34 seconds — and in that brief time, made history like few others before or since.NASA/AFP/Getty Images
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Buzz Aldrin photographed on the moon's surface by Neil Armstrong, who is visible in the reflection of Aldrin's visor.Wikimedia Commons
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Perhaps the 1960s' most defining moment — at least culturally — came very near the decade's end.
The Woodstock Music & Art Fair ran from August 15 to August 18, 1969, but its impact reverberates to this day.Wikimedia Commons
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What was supposed to be a music festival of no more than 50,000 people turned into a sprawling affair that brought together more than 400,000 — and helped define this iconic yet tumultuous decade.Wikimedia Commons
66 Breathtaking Photos From The 1960s, The Decade That Changed The World
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Civil Rights, Second-Wave Feminism, And Societal Uprising In 1960s America
The 1960s certainly had a lot going on, but the campaign for civil rights and the ongoing fights for equality for women and Black Americans were definitely prominent themes throughout the decade.
Of course, both of these movements had been a long time in the making. Black Americans had been seeking fair and equal treatment since the time of the Civil War (though, if we're being honest, that fight long predates the war itself), and women had been making great strides toward equality since the suffrage movement and the passage of the 19th Amendment. As history proved, however, these initial movements were nothing more than mere stepping stones on the path to a much larger fight.
For decades, the United States had been operating under Jim Crow laws, especially in the South. These discriminatory laws kept Black and white Americans segregated and theoretically provided "separate but equal" facilities for each race. They were, of course, anything but equal. Major headway was made in 1954 after the landmark decision by the Supreme Court in Brown v. Board of Education, which formally declared that racial segregation of children in American public schools was unconstitutional.
Science History Images/Alamy Stock PhotoA week after the "Greensboro Four" staged a sit-in protest at a segregated Woolworth's lunch counter in Greensboro, North Carolina in 1960, similar protests began across the country.
Still, there was much work to be done. Private businesses still enacted discriminatory segregation policies, and racism was rampant throughout the nation. People were understandably fed up. Countless Black Americans rose up, banded together, and protested these discriminatory practices, leading to what became known as the civil rights movement, which yielded prominent leaders and activists like Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X.
Eventually, the Civil Rights Act and the subsequent Voting Rights Act were put in place to further prohibit segregation and racial discrimination — massive victories for the movement that, unfortunately, still couldn't eliminate racism, poverty, or other issues that plagued Black communities.
At the same time, young women had been captivated by a book titled The Feminine Mystique by Betty Friedan, which has widely been credited with kickstarting the second wave of feminism in the United States. Frustrated with the slow progress of reform, members of the National Organization for Women (NOW) and other groups also became more outspoken and, in some cases, more "radical" in their approach to protests and demonstrations.
Meanwhile, the United States was becoming more heavily involved in the Vietnam War, eventually leading to a draft, sparking further protests and debate about whether Americans should be fighting in Vietnam at all. Opposition to the Vietnam War only grew as it continued on, with many young men attempting to dodge the draft in any way they could. For many Americans, this period of civil unrest was a part of daily life.
However, others reacted in a different way. To them, it seemed that everyone was too angry, too politically dialed-in. They sought an escape, and so they chose to effectively leave society behind, growing their hair out, living in communes, and singing songs about peace and love. Most people knew them as "hippies," but this reaction eventually became a sort of movement of its own, known as the countercultural revolution. And some hippies did participate in protests, especially those against the Vietnam War.
The Countercultural Revolution, Hippies, And The Ongoing Rejection Of Societal Norms
To try and describe the counterculture movement succinctly would be a Herculean task. At its core, it was a broad-ranging movement that generally rejected traditional authorities and societal conventions while often advocating for peace, love, social justice, and revolution. The specifics of how people chose to embody this philosophy varied, but common attributes applied to the movement included recreational drug use, a rejection of consumerism, communal living, political protests, "free love" (including casual sex), and a deep interest in folk and rock music.
Public DomainAmerican psychologist Timothy Leary, an outspoken advocate of LSD in the 1960s.
The eccentric psychologist and LSD advocate Timothy Leary summed up the philosophy of the movement famously at the Human Be-In gathering in San Fransisco's Golden Gate Park in 1967 when he said, "Like every great religion, we seek to find the divinity within and to express this revelation in a life of glorification and the worship of God. These ancient goals we define in the metaphor of the present — turn on, tune in, drop out."
One part of Leary's speech, "turn on, tune in, drop out," became a sort of rallying cry for the movement. The message resonated strongly with young people, particularly students, who simultaneously wanted to express their outrage toward government institutions and societal injustices through protests, while also enjoying sex, drugs, and rock 'n' roll.
Followers of the movement often aligned themselves with the music of bands and artists like the Grateful Dead, The Beatles, The Velvet Underground, The Rolling Stones, Joan Baez, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Santana, Bob Dylan, and The Who, among other iconic artists.
Entertainment Pictures/Alamy Stock PhotoA couple holding each other as others sleep on the grass at Woodstock in 1969.
The most famous example of this was easily Woodstock, a three-day festival in 1969 held in Sullivan County, New York. Though Woodstock was largely peaceful, another event called the Altamont Speedway Free Concert was not. Event organizers made the infamous decision to hire the Hells Angels as security, a member of which fatally stabbed a Black teenager named Meredith Hunter after he'd gotten into an altercation with them, which involved Hunter pointing a gun at them while The Rolling Stones performed.
Looking back on the incident years later, the Associated Press wrote that it "shattered the dream of a utopian counterculture for the '60s generation."
The End Of The 1960s After The Free-Spirited "Summer Of Love"
The 1960s were nothing if not turbulent. Civil unrest, numerous high-profile assassinations, and a general sense of disillusionment with political institutions were all the result of an equal combination of frustration and optimism — frustration that progress had remained stagnant for so long, and optimism that people could build a better tomorrow.
When the United States put mankind on the Moon on July 20, 1969, it was one of the last few celebratory moments of the decade. Before long, the counterculture movement began to fade away, and many of the free love communes degraded into crime-ridden dens of drug addiction.
World History Archive/Alamy Stock PhotoU.S. President Richard Nixon delivering his inaugural address.
By the fall of 1969, massive anti-war protests and marches had broken out across the United States, with more than 500,000 people marching in Washington, D.C. on November 15th alone. In conjunction with several notorious violent incidents — such as the Manson family murders — it soon became clear that the ideas of peace and love were a far-off dream.
The optimism that had proliferated throughout the beginning of the decade had turned to pessimism. Some civil rights activists began to focus more on the Black Power movement, pushing for more radical, rapid, and immediate change — even if that sometimes meant disregarding the more peaceful and nonviolent message of the earlier civil rights movement.
Some members of the women's liberation movement also became more militant, and in the final year of the decade, the Stonewall riots marked one of the first significant moments that members of the LGBTQ community openly rebelled against a police raid of a gay establishment.
It was as Bob Dylan said: "The times, they are a-changin'."
Established in 2010, All That's Interesting brings together a dedicated staff of digital publishing veterans and subject-level experts in history, true crime, and science. From the lesser-known byways of human history to the uncharted corners of the world, we seek out stories that bring our past, present, and future to life. Privately-owned since its founding, All That's Interesting maintains a commitment to unbiased reporting while taking great care in fact-checking and research to ensure that we meet the highest standards of accuracy.
Jaclyn is the senior managing editor at All That's Interesting. She holds a Master's degree in journalism from the City University of New York and a Bachelor's degree in English writing and history (double major) from DePauw University. She is interested in American history, true crime, modern history, pop culture, and science.